-- 2017 --
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Click on one of the days below to see the timetable of that day.
For an overview, click here.
Monday 14.08'17 - 9:30 @ Muziekstudio - introduction
14.08.2017 - 17.08.2017
Monday 14.08'17 - 9:30 @ Muziekstudio - introduction
Other days:
9:30-10:30 warm up exercises (with Guy Cools and Johnny Lloyd)
10:30-12:30 workshop “GAME and PLAY”, session with entire group (with all coaches)
14:00-16:00 individual sessions with coaches related to workshop “GAME and PLAY”, or to other projects
16:30-19:00 time for other projects, or a second session with the workshop “GAME and PLAY”
--> click on the dates above for a detailed planning / day
10 am - 7 pm workshops (incl. lunchtime)
8 pm final presentation
​more details will follow...