Subscription closed
Confirmed participants of 2018
Deok-vin Lee (KR)
Luisa Maria Alvarez (ES)
Sarah Adriaenssens (BE/BR)
Sara Greet Gilis (BE)
Anneleen Steenbergen (BE)
Yves Torfs (BE)
Lieke Lenaerts (BE)
Felix Stachelhaus (DE)
Ewoud Van Eetvelde (BE)
Mathias Geerkens (BE)
Maria Saez (ES)
Liew Niyomkarn (TH)
Inne Eysermans (BE)
Alexandra Oppo (BE)
Diane De Moor (BE)
Price per person?
200 euro*
Not included are lodging and catering. There is a possibility to eat affordable lunch and/or dinner in deSingel. We can provide you with info about cheap lodging as well.
*free for students of Sint Lucas Antwerp (after approval subscription by Sint Lucas Antwerp)
* free for 3 students of Royal Conservatoire Antwerp (selected by Royal Conservatoire Antwerp)
other discounts: soon available
Included in the price are : 7 days workshops, coachings, lectures, concerts etc - incl : technical, audio and video material, some instruments like percussion, synths ao, a nice hall to work in, technical support by specialized technicians (video, audio, other) in several halls in the building, water and coffee during the day.
Staying in Antwerp
Students from abroad can find lodging at hihostel Pulcinella or at Antwerp Youth Hostel. With Airbnb, you can also find cheaper rooms to stay in Antwerp.
In Collaboration with
deSingel, Sint Lucas Antwerp, Eastman, Royal Antwerp Conservatory and other Art Schools tbd