Subsription closed
Participants of 2019
Adam Clarke CA - Aline De Feyter BE - Anaïs Maes BE - Ayam Yaldo CA - Carmine Santavenere CA - Dries Verheyen BE - Eilidh Sinclair Splitt Harrower GB - Emilie Morin CA - Emma Versluys BE - Eveline Vervliet BE - Ewoud Van Eetvelde BE - Filip Decoster BE - Fleur Roggeman BE - Floris Van der Veken BE - Fran Van Lysebettens BE - Jane Bergkotte NL - Joud Toamah SYR - Jürgen Mayer AT - Kaori Ishiguri - Karel Stulens BE - Lara Bruggeman NL - Li Min Khoo SG - Lieve De Sadeleer BE - Lindsay Lambeets BE - Louisa Teichman NL - Lucas Lebrun FR - Luis Fernando Amaya MX - Mar Sala Romagosa ES - Mathias Geerkens BE - Mayank Sanganeria IN - Myrte Vandeweerd NL - Noémi Biró NL - Pablo Abelardo Mariña Montalvo ES - Pei Yun Chua SG - Phillippe Battikha CA - Pieter-Jan Vercammen BE - Roberta Ceginskaite LT - Sarah Adriaenssens BE BR - Smila Zinecker DE - Summer Engels NL - Tim Courtyn BE - Vigdis Elst BE - Vitja Pauwels BE - Wei Li Valerie Lim SG - Wim Pelgrims BE
Price per person?
200 euro*
Not included are lodging and catering. There is a possibility to eat affordable lunch and/or dinner in deSingel. We can provide you with info about cheap lodging as well.
*free for students of Sint Lucas Antwerp (after approval subscription by Sint Lucas Antwerp)
* free for 3 students of Royal Conservatoire Antwerp (selected by Royal Conservatoire Antwerp)
other discounts: soon available
Included in the price are : workshops, coachings, lectures, concerts etc - incl : technical, audio and video material, some instruments like percussion, synths ao, a nice hall to work in, technical support by specialized technicians (video, audio, other) in several halls in the building, water and coffee during the day.
Subscription : click here to subscribe
You can apply until the 15th of April 2019.
We will make a first selection before the end of December ‘18 and a second selection before the end of April ‘19.
Staying in Antwerp
Students from abroad can find lodging at hihostel Pulcinella or at Antwerp Youth Hostel. With Airbnb, you can also find cheaper rooms to stay in Antwerp.
In Collaboration with
deSingel, Sint Lucas Antwerp, Royal Antwerp Conservatory Fontys Hogeschool, Concordia University, LASALLE College of the Arts, Universität Graz and other Art Schools tbd.