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International interdisciplinary arts project in deSingel
from Monday 24th to Sunday 30th of August 2020


Update due to COVID-19


ChampdAction.LAbO is a laboratory for young creators, organized by Antwerp-based production platform for new music and interdisciplinary arts ChampdAction, and part of deSingel's International Summer School. Its main purpose is creation through means of communication and interaction between the various arts disciplines: dance, music, fine arts and others.


ChampdAction.LAbO is aimed at students and young professionals who already have some experience with interdisciplinary work and who want to create something with the other artists during the LAbO period. ChampdAction.LAbO largely focuses on interdisciplinarity and the use of new technology. Participants may propose their own projects in advance, of which a selection will serve as a starting point during the LAbO period: the emphasis will always be on creating together across various disciplines. During LAbO there is also room for new collaborations and projects, provided they are selected by the panel of coaches. Through short workshops and lectures on various subjects, participants are encouraged to leave their comfort zone every now and then.


On the evening of Sunday 30 of August, some of the participants are invited to show their projects during an exhibition for the general public. This performance is freely accessible.



ChampdAction.LAbO 2020 = theme = ALTER EGO

The exploration of alternative identities – Alter Egos – have a long tradition in the arts. In 1921, Marcel Duchamp for example started to portray himself under the pseudonym Rrose Sélavy, while David Bowie performed as Ziggy Stardust between 1971 and 73. More recently, the playful free-form oscillations between fabricated identities, Alter Egos and DIY celebrities are abundantly to be found in social media. As Beatrice Mustocea puts it, “The fashioning of alter-egos […] has been stripped of pathological connotations and appropriated to a form of self-empowerment or even political stance.” The many manifestations of Alter Egos in the arts show that the adoption of alternative identities can constitute an important outlet for creativity.

The artist’s desire to construct an Alter Ego is often based on the need to evade a form of self-censorship. The alter ego is a mechanism that allows to safely and publicly experiment with forms of expression while keeping the integrity of one’s “official” identity intact. But what is it exactly that makes such mechanisms necessary? Where are the origins of such limitations that are imposed on us as artists that create the need for this escape-strategy? Where do these taboos come from?

These are the questions we intend to investigate in the 2020 edition of ChampdAction.LAbO. We want to provide the incentive to interrogate one’s creative practices; to locate the points where we knowingly, or unknowingly censor artistic options because they do not conform to what we perceive as our “main” identity. During the ten days of the workshop ChampdAction.LAbO offers a safe place to reinvent oneself, to leave safe-zones behind, and to explore the sides of one’s self that remained, yet, underexplored but that may just as well be an essential part of one’s creative potential.



















This was ChampdAction.LAbO 2020



For a glimpse of previous editions of ChampdAction.LAbO, go to our archive.



In Collaboration with

deSingel, Sint Lucas Antwerp, Royal Conservatoire AntwerpFontys Hogeschool, Concordia University, Universität Graz, Design Academy Eindhoven and other Art Schools tbd.

logo Concordia.jpg


ChampdAction.LAbO - promo

Labo lobby 3
Performing Gender
Talk Marko.00_01_22_20.Still001
Night Dreams Of Water
Womb room
Silence Project
Night Dreams Of Water 2
Labo Lobby
Night Dreams Of Water 3
Labo Lobby 2
Ghost in hub2
Ghost In hub 3
Expel Distanz
Ghost In The Hub
Common Ground
Ghost In hub
Information Creation
Schermopname (9)
Schermopname (5)
Schermopname (8)
Schermopname (6)
mozilla 2



LAbO #8  /2019


LAbO #7  /2018


LAbO #6  /2017


LAbO #5  /2015


LAbO #4  /2013/


LAbO #3  /2011/

© 2021 ChampdAction

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