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Participants ChampdAction.LAbO 2021

Amarante Nat -NL- Bert Koether -BE- Cèlia Tort Pujol -SP- David Bello Arcos -CO-  Erik Berkey -SE- Eveline Vervliet -BE- Gizem KaraosmanoÄŸlu -TR- Hakan Akbulut -TR-  Illia Dolbniev -UA- Jonas 'Lain Iwakura' Schändlinger -DE- Klaas Devos -BE- Léa Cadieux -CA- Leonie Strecker -DE- Lorenzo Orsenigo -IT- Madina Mahomedova -UA-  Mazarine Haarscheer -BE- Michelle Maes -BE- Myrthe Bokelmann -NL- Nikola Scheibe -DE- Özge Akarsu -TR- Philipp Christoph Mayer -DE- Raquel Raquel Pais da Silva -PT- Roman Gavryliuk -UA- Shuang Wu -CN- Tommaso Settimi -IT- Katarzyna Trzewik -PL- Alexandra Fraser -GB- Rabten Tenzin -BE/TIB-


Price per person?

200 euro*

Not included are lodging and catering. There is a possibility to eat affordable lunch and/or dinner in DE SINGEL. We can provide you with info about cheap lodging as well.

discounts: soon available

Included in the price are : workshops, coachings, lectures, concerts etc - incl : technical, audio and video material, some instruments like percussion, synths ao, a nice hall to work in, technical support by specialized technicians (video, audio, other) in several halls in the building, water and coffee during the day.


Staying in Antwerp

Students from abroad can find lodging at hihostel Pulcinella or at Antwerp Youth Hostel. With Airbnb, you can also find cheaper rooms to stay in Antwerp.


In collaboration with

DE SINGEL, Sint Lucas Antwerp, Royal Antwerp Conservatory, Fontys Hogeschool, Universität Graz, Design Academy Eindhoven, LUCA / School of Arts and other Art Schools tbd.


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