Composer Johannes Kreidler (1980) studied from 2000 to 2006 at the Musikhochschule in Freiburg, Germany where teachers included Mathias Spahlinger (composition), Mesias Maiguashca and Orm Finnendahl (electronic music), and Eckehard Kiem (music theory). During this time he was also a Fellow of the European Union from 2004 to 2005 and a visiting student at the Institute of Sonology at the Koninklijk Conservatorium at The Hague in the Netherlands. He also attended seminars in philosophy and art history at the University of Freiburg.
Johannes Kreidler lives in Berlin. His work is described as conceptual music and usually employs multimedial elements.
At Kreidler we think of concepts such as 'radical' and 'disobedient'. His politically tinted work (as well as his famous lectures) is widely distributed through the internet and social media. Below you will find some links:
Kreidler in 4 minutes
GEMA-Aktion product placements Doku
Against applause
Guitar piece (from: diminuendo by shame)
In ‘sentences on Musical Concept-Art (2013) by Kreidler, we can extract the following sentences:
19. A piece of conceptual music does not have to be completely heard.
21. The more unmusical, the better.