Dear students, below you can already view the 2 workshops that will be given on Monday 26 August. The links to the software are also included. If there are any questions, please contact me.
Workshop Augmented Reality in audiovisual installations
Augmented Reality (AR) expands a given situation by placing virtual objects and sounds on top of the physical environment. Commonly mobile phones or tablets are used to scan an environment for such virtual artefacts. That way, AR also engages an audience to actively explore a space, which makes it interesting for installations.
In this workshop we are going to learn how to develop AR applications for Android devices by using the game engine Unity in combination with the API EasyAR (
In order to participate you will need:
* a windows or apple computer with Unity (, choose the free 'personal' version) and Android Studio SDK ( installed (both are free).
* an Android device.
* at least one image in a digital version as well as as a printout. This will serve as the marker in the space where the virtual object will be created.
* a 3d object (there are several websites where 3d objects can be downloaded for free)
* soundfiles that are supposed to be triggered with the virtual object.
We are going to use EasyAR to get AR to work which will require that you make an account with them, which comes at no charge.
No prior experience with Unity or programing is required.
Workshop “Interactivity for audience or performers using MAX MSP and Machine Learning”
The softwares links are: