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International interdisciplinary arts project in DE SINGEL
from Saturday 20nd of August till Monday 29st of August 2022


ChampdAction.LAbO is an annual and international laboratory for artistic creators of all disciplines, ethnicity and gender with an openness and curiosity for transdisciplinary work.


ChampdAction.LAbO takes place in DE SINGEL in Antwerp and is organized by ChampdAction, the Antwerp-based development and production platform for music makers and sound artists. Its focus lies on bringing one's own artistic expertise and research in a transdisciplinary context to co-create and initiate experiments on the verge of various art disciplines: dance, music, fine arts, sound art, media art, during the course of 10 days. 


One month before the start of the workshop, participants will be asked to join our online communication platform in order to not only introduce themselves but as well as possible ideas to work on or discuss before and/or during the workshop.

As a closing chapter of the LAbO experience, participants will share with each other as well as with invited guests their artistic process and experiments in a performative evening on 28th of August 2022.



ChampdAction.LAbO 2022 = theme = OUTSIDE

“Every moment happens twice: inside and outside, and they are two different histories.”

― Zadie Smith, White Teeth


Our inner experiences are becoming more and more private; driven by our screens and controlled by algorithms, we get sucked in an endless stream of triggers and emotions, wrapping ourselves in a mask that fits Instagram and nowhere else.


It's time to go outside.


Outside is the place to wander aimlessly, to give yourself the freedom to explore, to contemplate, to get in touch by being out of touch. Outside means disconnecting from your phone and reconnecting with ourselves and others.


Outside and inside are our own constructs, defined by buildings and architecture designed to establish a safe distance between us and the elements, the visible and invisible dangers, the others. We put up barriers and walls to separate people from different countries and religions. Through that we've created the outsider, the refugee, the newcomer.


Inside is our own world; it's a world in which we feel safe, together with the people that share the same opinions. It's our family, our in-crowd. It's a world with its own "unknown unknowns", its own biases, invisible prejudices and doctrines.


Being an outsider can provide a new and refreshing perspective to the insiders. It's a dancer talking about composition, a boxer collaborating with a graphic designer, a foreigner relating their experiences in a new community.


Let's explore this connection between the inside and outside. Let's examine how we link physical reality with our own inner reality. Let's investigate how to connect VR with our innermost thoughts. Let's establish new connections on our own terms. Let's go outside.



In collaboration with

DE SINGEL, Sint Lucas Antwerp, Royal Conservatoire AntwerpFontys Hogeschool, Universität Graz, Design Academy Eindhoven, LUCA / School of Arts, FAMEUS and other Art Schools tbd.

For a glimpse of previous editions of ChampdAction.LAbO, go to OUR ARCHIVE.

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LAbO #10  /2021


LAbO #9  /2020


LAbO #8  /2019


LAbO #7  /2018


LAbO #6  /2017


LAbO #5  /2015


LAbO #4  /2013/


LAbO #3  /2011/



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